We commonly see hip and pelvic problems in clinic, and we know they cause distress to many people today. Pregnancy and arthritis can present particular challenges. There are many causes of hip and pelvic pain. Please click on one of the following to learn more about your condition:
- Athritis
- Pregnancy Pain
- Sports/Activity Injury
- Pelvic Imbalance
- Groin Pain
- Sciatica
- Post Accident
- Buttock Strain
- Muscle Imbalance
Often these problems develop simply by us doing our normal daily routines like sitting at the computer, lifting and carrying or taking exercise. Most of the time, all that is required to solve these problems is a thorough assessment and analysis of the problem in order to identify the cause, followed by some treatment to rectify it. Please read the ‘Treatment’ page to learn how we could help to solve your problem.