In order to find this out you need a well qualified and well experienced practitioner. An osteopath must study for four to five years for an undergraduate medical degree, which emphasises anatomy, physiology and musculoskeletal medicine. This qualifies us to be in the best possible position to diagnose your condition accurately. An experienced Osteopath will use in depth knowledge and experience to perform a structural analysis of your body and posture. Also specific tests will be carried out to home in on the areas that are causing the problem. We can also identify the bigger picture within which the problem has developed and prevent it from happening again.
After identifying the problem we take a staged approach to your recovery. First priority is to get rid of the symptoms such as pain, stiffness, numbness, etc. Then we go further, treating those areas which have caused the original problem to arise. This prevents the problem re-occurring and saves you having to constantly come back when the same thing goes wrong again. Treatment involves a variety of gentle and firm hands-on work. The exact techniques depend on the individual, some people suit some methods and others suit different ones. Your input is always important in deciding how best to treat.
As well as structural Osteopathic treatment we also use Cranial Osteopathy which is very gentle This is used commonly on those with increased sensitivity as well as babies and children. We also use Western Medical Acupuncture, a safe and pain-free needling which is clinically proven and offers very effective relief from pain, stiffness and stress. Orthotics Prescription involves casting taylor-made shoe inserts that have a long-lasting treatment effect. For more details please see the ‘Treatment‘ page.
We will probably have seen your condition many times before. With our wealth of experience, taking into consideration your age, activity and general health, we will be able to give you the best possible projection of when you will be back to full fitness.
We believe that your recovery has to be a team effort. We can fix you quickly and efficiently but if the same factors that caused the problem are still in place then the problem will re-occur. That is why we spend time on exercise prescription, postural and ergonomic advice and lifestyle advice. We are also expert in stress relief and give detailed advice and and training on how to prevent stress.